Neuropsychological Evaluations using Biofeedback Technology!

Discover insights through a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation with Dr. Rebecca Henry, who uses cutting-edge biofeedback technology to show her patients how their bodies and mind communicate during performance tasks in real-time.

Gain tailored strategies for effective learning right away! Specializing in self-regulation, Dr. Henry values the importance of teaching young people how to face challenges with resiliency. Understanding how you learn best can inform you on how you can perform at your best.

Empowering insights for better learning.



Learning and Performance

Through Evaluation

At Neuropsychological Insights, LLC, Dr. Rebecca Henry specializes in analyzing the psychophysiological responses of her patients during learning and performance tasks. She helps them gain insight into how their mind and body communicate in real time and teaches effective strategies to improve their learning potential. Dr. Henry is the first known evaluator in the area to use biofeedback tools as a method of informing neuropsychological evaluations, so children and young adults (and their families) can learn about how they learn best like never before!


Years of Professional Experience

Neuropsychological Services

Explore a comprehensive evaluation from Dr. Henry to enhance your child's learning strategies and interventions.

Comprehensive Evaluations

Gain insights into learning processes through detailed neuropsychological assessments and biofeedback opportunities.

Tailored Interventions

Discover personalized strategies derived from a real-time evaluation to improve learning and performance.

Biofeedback Opportunities

Experience how biofeedback enhances understanding of learning through psychophysiological responses.

Get In Touch with Dr. Henry and request a free 15-consultation!

Connect with Dr. Henry to learn how a neuropsychological evaluation using biofeedback can help you discover optimal learning strategies tailored to your needs!

Please email directly with your interest or submit your inquiry through this website. Dr. Henry will then reach out to you to set up a free 15-minute consultation.
